Nourishing people, animals and the planet

Agriculture Focused, highly versatile blockchain meant for deep integrations across an entire ecosystem of AgTech opportunities.


Decentralize the Global Agricultural and Farming Industry

Decentralizing the farming industry refers to shifting away from centralized agricultural practices, towards a more distributed and diversified model involving smaller, independent farmers and local communities.

In a centralized agriculture model, a small number of large corporations or entities have significant control over various stages of the agricultural supply chain, from production to distribution.

Centralized systems often focus on producing a limited number of high-demand crops. This can lead to monoculture, where large areas are dedicated to growing a single crop, which can increase the risk of crop failure due to disease, pests, or adverse weather conditions.

Centralized agriculture tends to prioritize standardized practices, which can lead to the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to maximize yield and uniformity.

Decentralized agriculture involves a larger number of smaller, independent farmers and local communities. Ownership and decision-making are distributed among these smaller entities.

Decentralized systems tend to prioritize sustainable and organic farming practices, including crop rotation, integrated pest management, and conservation techniques. There's an emphasis on reducing reliance on synthetic inputs.

Because of its focus on diversity and local adaptation, decentralized agriculture is often seen as more resilient to climate change, disease outbreaks, and other disruptions.


The Grow Blockchain

The GROW blockchain and token empower partners across the entire supply chain. By creating radical transparency into the provenance of crops and livestock and health of our planet, our platform builds trust and ensures quality from farm to fork.

Partners can seamlessly transact on a shared ledger that reduces costs and unlocks new market opportunities. Ultimately, our blockchain facilitates collaboration in the ecosystem so that growers, suppliers, distributors and retailers can deliver fresher, safer food to the people who need it.

Tracking and Tracing

For farmers, traceability systems provide a way to showcase their responsible production practices, bolstering their reputation and opening doors to premium markets.

Consumers, on the other hand, gain confidence in the safety and authenticity of their food, knowing its journey from farm to table.

Key Benefits
  • Food Safety and quality
  • Consumer trust and confidence
  • Supply chain efficiency
  • Regulatory compliance

Decentralized Distribution

By diversifying distribution channels and engaging local producers, communities can reduce their dependence on distant suppliers and global supply chains. This approach supports local economies, encourages sustainable practices, and ensures fresher produce for consumers.

Farmers gain direct access to markets, increasing their income and contributing to the vitality of rural areas. This model promotes economic, environmental, and social well-being at the local level while enhancing the overall robustness of the food system.

Key Benefits
  • Freshness and quality
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Reduced food waste
  • Farmer empowerment

Carbon Capture

Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is important because it offers a potential solution to one of the most pressing global challenges we face today: climate change caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere.

Key Benefits
  • Mitigates climate change
  • Supports transition to clean energy
  • Protects ecosystems
  • Negative emissions

Active Projects

There are several projects being integrated with the GROW Blockchain. These projects all meet the mission, vision and high standards of GROW. We’re excited to bring this incredible real-world utility to the network. We’ve listed a few of our favorites below.

If you have a project that you feel meets the mission and vision of the Grow Blockchain, please let us know.

Decentralized Distribution

By diversifying distribution channels and engaging local producers, communities can reduce their dependence on distant suppliers and global supply chains. This approach supports local economies, encourages sustainable practices, and ensures fresher produce for consumers.

Farmers gain direct access to markets, increasing their income and contributing to the vitality of rural areas. This model promotes economic, environmental, and social well-being at the local level while enhancing the overall robustness of the food system.

Tracking and Tracing

FarmTracer is at the forefront of a transparent and responsible farming revolution. Through the creation of cutting-edge software, it enables the tracking of sustainable, regenerative farm produce across the entire supply chain, from farm to table.

With the Grow Blockchain validating and confirming every action, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders can trust the origin and sustainability of their food, transforming the way we understand and value farm produce.

Your questions, answered.

If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, please feel free to reach out to someone in the community below. We’d love to chat.

How do nodes work?
Where can i find updates about grow?
Does owning a node allow me to vote?

Get in on the action

Join the community

Hang out with the community on Discord and follow along on Twitter for project updates and milestones.

Grow Nodes

Nodes power the Grow community, allowing collaboration, transparency, and secure transactions. This enables the community to own and operate without relying on a single corporation or government.

Grow Rewards

By participating in GROW, you open the door to earning valuable rewards. Through your engagement and contributions, you can earn tokens that represent your active involvement and support. These tokens hold real-world value and can offer benefits like early access to features, discounts on products or services within the ecosystem, or even a share in the project's success.

Your participation isn't just an investment in the project's growth; it's an opportunity to be a part of a thriving community and share in the rewards it brings.

Running nodes

By running a GROW Node (or multiple), you will receive rewards through daily distribution of the GROW token.


You can receive rewards simply by participating in the community and using the products and services that are utilizing the GROW Blockchain.


Earn extra rewards by referring your friends and family! As they join our forward-thinking community, you earn rewards and incentives, amplifying your own benefits. So, spread the word and let's make this journey of growth and positive change in agriculture even more rewarding.